Thursday, June 5, 2014


We now were tasked with building our very own Lego robot. we had to create a vehicle and program it to complete different tasks. From simple strait races to carrying a ball and placing it into a box.
Task 1 go forward three feet unfortunately we do not have video of this one.
Task 2 go forward two feet and do a 90 degree turn and go forward one feet.

Although it was slow and glitchy we were one of the first and only teams to complete the task
Task 3 was to complete a track about 3 feet forward 90 degree right turn one foot forward 90 degree turn right half a foot forward an other 90 degree turn and a foot forward to the finish line we got a record by a miscalculated leap above the barrier that would be approved by the judge (Mr Olson). running the course in a regular fashion we got second overall. Unfortunately we did not get video of either one of them.
Task 4 carry a red ball from point A to point B and putting it in a cardboard box we were one of only two teams to complete the task.

Bridge Building challenge

We were tasked to build a bridge out of coffee stirrers. We were supposed to do only four parallel at the in one spot we decided to challenge our selves and only do three. The bridge could only weigh 50 grams. The bridge should support as much weight as possible and the unit of measurement would be AA batteries. Our bridge initially held 505 batteries and almost collapsed but something weird happened that nobody expected. The actual box holding the batteries broke right as the bridge was getting to the point of collapsing. We pinpointed a weak point  and by adding one tooth peak to support it we where able to hold 600 batteries.
First bridge

As you can see upper left corner bending extremely

So the final weight of our bridge was 48 grams which gets you a ratio of 12.5 batteries for each gram so its a ratio of 12.5:1 Batteries:grams